http://connectkjsazkwud.onion/ - Connect - Connect is a collective that
recognizes and promotes anticapitalism, antiracism, antifascism, antisexism,
antimililtarism, and anti-what-the-fuck-ever and the refusal of authoritarianism and
http://galaxy3m2mn5iqtn.onion/ - Galaxy3 - Galaxy3 is a new, Social Networking
experience for the darknet!
http://injz4qvzyun6zq3a.onion/ - Torbook 2.0 - The Facebook of Tor. Share your
memories, connect with others and make friends.
https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/ - Facebook - The real Facebook's Onion
domain. Claim not to keep logs. Trust them at your peril.