http://torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion/ - TorVPS Shells - Free torified shell accounts,
can be used for .onion hosting, IRC, etc.
http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion -
SporeStack API-driven VPS hosting for Bitcoin. Clearnet and hidden Tor hosting.
http://dmru36nvfgtywx47.onion/ - HomeHosting - A system administrator who can set
up your private home server
http://prometh5th5t5rfd.onion/ - Prometheus_Hidden_Services - Payed hosting,
provides Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Linux.
http://designauxmqhv5ry.onion/ - darknet design — web design (HTML, CSS, PHP)
plus graphics design and a few other things.